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Let us know where we can send your INX InTuition brochure to.
INX InTuition allows you to perform a learning needs analysis identify the specific learning requirements within your company, sections or for individuals.
Course training events and room bookings can be scheduled, with nominated attendees based on course and room capacity.
Our intelligent software enables the definition of your own training courses, ensuring your training is always relevant and monitors your employee competency based on real-world requirements of your workforce.
INX InTuition increases accountability with our intelligent automated course enrolments, reminders and personalised calendars.
Tailor your learning experience to align with requirements based on the roles within your workforce. Define relationships between your compliances and competencies to represent equivalencies, exceedances, and pre-requisites.
We offer an integration with a world-class learning management solution, Moodle, which offers new features, better functionality and improved security.
Contractors and employees are automatically enrolled into online Moodle LMS courses based on their role requirements. Completion of online Moodle courses automatically award worker’s profiles in InTuition.
Defined procedures and latest revisions are automatically available in Moodle LMS for review.
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